• 4 Best Strategies to Sell your Home With Ottawa Real Estate Agent

    Selling your home is a big decision and requires a lot of effort. You want a good worth for your money as well as sell the property within the premediated time frame. These issues can be tackled effectively if you hire a trusted Ottawa Real Estate Agent. But you should also know a few strategies to speed up selling the home.

    Ideally, you should work to make your listing stand out and stay ahead of the competition. The aim here is to spend little time and money to speed up the selling process. Let us see a few winning strategies to sell your home with the assistance of the Ottawa realtor

    Hire a local real estate agent Ottawa

    Whether you are a first-time seller or a real estate investor, it always pays to take the benefits of the talent, guidance, and expertise of a local Ottawa real estate agent. They can take you through the twisted lanes of selling and buying properties. It is even more critical to take their assistance when the real estate market is extremely unpredictable these days. They make things easier for you by assisting you in staging, marketing, reviewing offers, handling negotiations, and explaining to you the complicated legal terms used in property transactions.

    Time your sale well

    The right timing of selling your home is critical as it has the probability to bring a better price for your property. Typically, spring is the best season when the real market picks up. It is relatively a warmer time in Ottawa, so people generally want to relocate at this time of the year. However, the trend might change with location, so you can always contact your Ottawa real estate agent to know the trend of the market and time the sale of your home well.

    Research the right price for your home

    Setting up a realistic initial asking price attracts more buyers, helps sell quicker and maximizes your return. Though it tempting to quote an inflated price, so you get an extra return. However, contrary to this belief, a home with a higher price tag is likely to spend more time in the market, and you will be forced to cut down the price in the long run which would ultimately pose questions about the credibility of the property. Even the lower price is also not appropriate as you run a risk of leaving much on the table. Therefore, it is recommended that you do proper research with your Ottawa real estate agent on what similar properties in the area have sold recently and for how much.

    Spruce up your home

    Keep the property clean and unclutter it before any prospective buyer visits it. A thorough cleaning and minor repair and upgradation improve the chance of impressing your customers on the very first visit. You can consider applying a fresh coating, repairing broken windows, reworking lawns, fix faulty taps and faucets before the home inspection.

    So, selling your home and selling it fast need a good strategy. Your trusted Ottawa real estate agent can assist you at every step in speeding the process up.

  • Ottawa Real Estate Agent and Market July 22 – A Synopsis

    Whether you are an Ottawa Real Estate Agent or you are looking for a new house for sale Ottawa, it is crucial that you should know what all is happening in the real estate market of Ottawa. Let us see how the real estate market is shaping up in Ottawa in the month of July 2022.

    House for sale in Ottawa Marina karshuli

    The percentage of Ottawa home sales over $1 million has registered an increase from 4% of the market in 2020 to 18% so far in 2022. This means the real estate market in Ottawa is currently witnessing an upward swing. A positive sign for investors as well as those who are looking to sell properties.

    According to Engel & Völkers, a real estate company, the market data indicates that 1,378 houses and 22 condos in Ottawa were sold for between $1 million and $3.99 million by June 30. Another three houses were sold for more than $4 million each.

    Further, a 53% increase in Ottawa’s average home price since 2020 was noted increasing the average property prices during a “COVID buying frenzy.” This means if you are an owner of a property, its equity is increasing in the current market scenario.

    However, March brought instability with the invasion of Ukraine and looming interest hikes.

    June witnessed a 39% dip in sales compared to April and May. In this period nearly 100 fewer homes were sold for over $1 million. Sales already plunged by 16% from March to April. But Ottawa remains a robust selling market and the conditions are not as extreme as it was in the same period of the previous year.

  • Know the signs to sell your existing home and buy a new one with the best salesperson in real estate Ottawa

    They say home is where your heart lies. But there comes a time when you need to change your home for certain reasons. There are many factors that contribute to getting you ready to sell your home. Usually, you don’t need the best salesperson in real estate Ottawa at this stage of deciding to sell a home or buy a new one. Your trusted residential real estate Ottawa will come into the picture when after you have decided to sell your home.

    We bring you here a few indications that suggest that you are ready to sell your present home and buy a new one.

    New additions to your family 

    The needs of your family change with time. You consider selling your old home and buying a new one when you know about a new addition to your family. Your older home has no sufficient rooms to accommodate the new addition, this is the time when you should start looking for new accommodation.

    Change in your work situation

    The last two years have been turbulent and have witnessed many changes, especially what we consider about our working space. We are here talking about the viability of work from home situation which has suddenly become a norm. Many companies have extended this arrangement or have made work from home a permanent fixture in their companies. In this case, you need a quiet suburb with a larger working area to accommodate the need to work from home. 

    There is also another scenario, you might have received a transfer offer to a new city or location from where it is impossible to commute daily.

    In case you are upsizing or downsizing 

    Your existing home may not seem “fit” the way it used to when you moved in back then for many reasons. Your family might have downsized probably because you are separated, or you want to cut down your house expenses and upkeep. In this case, you need to buy a new home with the assistance of a trusted residential real estate Ottawa.

    Also, due to your promotion or a cushy new job, you might like to upsize to your new affluent home. In all cases, you can take the assistance of the best salesperson in real estate Ottawa to sell or buy a new home.

    New renovations don’t add value 

    You have been living in your existing home for several years and it is near a dilapidated state and any renovation you make in your house will not make any difference. On other hand, you may need a bigger kitchen or bedroom and that is not possible due to the lack of space. This is the time you should consider selling your existing house and start looking for a new home for your family. Sometimes, you also don’t go for renovations as you think that it is better to save money to upgrade to a new home in a better locality.

    So, these are all the signs to know that you are no longer “fit” to live in your existing home and it is time to buy a new dream destination for your family. If you are considering buying or selling your home, take professional assistance from residential real estate Ottawa. Marina Karshuli is the best salesperson in real estate Ottawa. It is an expert in property business with deep insight into the Ottawa real estate market.

  • An Ultimate Guide to Find Your Dream Home in Ottawa

    To find your dream home in Ottawa or buying a home anywhere is a big decision in life. It requires careful consideration, so you make a wise and well-informed decision. Any property transaction entails complex documentation along with intricate processes where you may find yourself overwhelmed at every step. Hiring the best real estate agent Ottawa can be the right decision in this scenario.

    Ottawa is the population of some of the most educated individuals among Canadians. It is home to numerous colleges, universities, research, and cultural institutions making it a hot spot for people who want to come here for learning. Naturally, this city has emerged as the most preferred place to settle down in terms of livability, healthcare and buying a house.

    If you are looking to find your dream home in Ottawa, we present here an ultimate guide on how to buy a home here.

    Decide your budget 

    The first step toward buying your dream home is to decide your budget – the range under which you can buy your home. Do proper research about the finance and the cost of the property you are going to invest in. You should have enough capital in your hand to start with the down payment. You should also have a clear understanding of the amount of loan you would require for buying a home. Before investing in your new home, you should also be sure of your loan repayment options since that is where most of the customers get beaten since they fall for an ultra-luxurious house without arranging for a proper re-payment.

    Choose the right location 

    After deciding on your budget and the required amount well under your balance, it is time to choose the right location for your dream house. Think carefully about the location since you are going to spend your future in the location of your home, and it is going to affect everything related to you. The location of your home should be selected based on the amenities available nearby. Your new home should not be too far from the market, schools, hospital, transportation, etc. Also, consider how safe your neighborhood is for living.

    Get the assistance of a reliable realtor  

    Since buying and selling property is a complex process, you would need professional assistance at every step. You should consider hiring the best realtor in Ottawa. Realtors are experts in offering property-related solutions. They know the real estate market, and the rates of houses in a locality, and they have a board network which would be helpful at the time of buying your dream home in Ottawa.

    Finalize the deal

    The concluding step is to finalize the deal with the assistance of the best real estate agent Ottawa. When everything like your budget, location of the property, and a trusted realtor is sorted out, it is time to select the best option and complete the property transaction formalities.

    So, your quest to find your dream home Ottawa ends with working with the best real estate agent Ottawa. Marina Karshuli is one of the reputed realtors in Ottawa. You can take its assistance for end-to-end real estate solutions.

  • 4 Important Things to Know Before Buy House in Ottawa

    To buy house in Ottawa or for that reason anywhere is an overwhelming process. There are too many technicalities and legal aspects attached to it that you start feeling you better have some assistance. As a trusted realtor in Ottawa, we are enlisting here a few things that you must know before you venture out to buy a home for yourself in Ottawa.

    First, decide what you want to buy

    First thing first, decide upon the property you want to invest in. Depending upon your requirements and budget, first, decide what kind of property you want to buy. Whether a condo meets your need, or you want a detached or semi-detached house in the neighborhood. Depending on the size of the family, the extent of luxury, capital to invest, etc. you must decide judicially. 

    Do your homework and know the market 

    Buying a home for yourself is always an emotional decision. You don’t want this experience to get sour for the lack of homework on your side. It is important to know the historical data of the property you are buying. You should be well-versed with the titles, deeds, and other legal documentation about the property. Having a good knowledge of the surroundings is also an advantage when you decide upon the final call. 

    Is the property worth spending? 

    Alright, you have decided on what you have to purchase, and all legal aspects are clear. Now what? Wouldn’t it be wise to determine “if you are getting what you think are getting”? Get an inspection of the property and determine the physical health and financial health of the property. Financial health means is it worth your investment and what returns you may get in case you have to sell the property in the future.

    Understand the financial aspects of the property 

    Financial aspects of a property include legal fees, land transfer taxes in some communities, a possible foreign buyer’s tax, etc. It always makes you better prepared at the time of title transfer if you have properly investigated the financial aspects of the dream home you are buying.

    All the factors discussed above are not as simple as they sound. They may be an overwhelming experience for you especially if you are a first-time property buyer. You may be going through a lot of questions and doubts. A trusted realtor or real estate agent can solve your problem effectively.

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